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Sami Steigmann

📍New York City, NY, USA

- Educating the next generation

- UPSTANDER vs bystander

- Combating Jew-hatred

Antisemitism, Holocaust


Sami Steigmann is a Holocaust Survivor who lives to tell his story. Through speaking at schools, organizations, media outlets, and more, he is passionate about his role of sharing a fresh perspective on hope, life, and faith.

Sami's mission is E.M.E.T: Educate, Motivate, Empower, Tolerance

Sami is dedicated to reach as many young people as he can, nationally and internationally, promote tolerance, and, hopefully, they will make it a better world for themselves, their children and their grandchildren.

His advice to the young people: "NEVER GIVE UP. NEVER LOSE HOPE and enjoy the life you’ve been given. NEVER BE A PERPETRATOR (anyone that hurts another, intentionally and repeatedly, is a perpetrator). But most importantly, NEVER, EVER BE A BY-STANDER. The greatest tragedy in human history, the Holocaust and all the genocides, happened because the world stood by and did nothing.

As a bystander, you are part of the problem. He wants you to "BE PART OF THE SOLUTION."

Other information

Website (if any):

Speaker's video (if any):

Book (if any):

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