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Prof. Kenneth Stein

📍 Atlanta, GA, USA

- Fifty Years after the 1973 October War: How did Egypt and Israel Shape a Peace Treaty and what lessons can we learn about political mindsets and turning points in Israeli history

- How did the Zionists Build a state? What critical role did the JNF and other Jewish organizations play in its unfolding? Lets read the sources together

- The Assault on Israel on American college campuses: how did we get here and what can we successfully do about it?

US-Israel Relations, College


Recognized as one of the world’s authorities on Israel’s origins, the conflict, and US- Israel Relations, Ken Stein taught Middle Eastern History, Political Science, and Israel Studies at Emory University from 1977-2022.

He has been recognized for excellence in teaching, life-long mentorship of students, and intellectual integrity for speaking out against the falsehoods in former President Jimmy Carter’s 2006 book Palestine Peace Not Apartheid.

He is the author of three major books, Heroic Diplomacy Sadat, Kissinger, Carter, Begin and the Quest for Arab-Israeli Peace (1999) and The Land Question in Palestine, 1917-1939 (1984) and he June 1967 War - How it Changed Israeli, Jewish, and Middle Eastern History, and dozens of other publications. In 2008, he founded the 501c3 entity, the Center for Israel Education, Inc. (CIE),, and has inpired 3,000 plus Jewish pre-collegiate educators and clergy to expand their understanding and teaching of Israel in formal and informal settings. The CIE’s website reaches more than 50,000 users weekly, with materials provided in Hebrew, Spanish, and English. CIE’s focus is content, context, and perspective of Zionism and modern Israel.

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